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Kleib, Manal, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada)
Klein, Marco
Kletke, Ryan, University of Victoria (Canada)
Klett (IEEE Fellow), Fanny, Fraunhofer Institute Digital Media Technology (Germany)
Klokker, Louise
Klunk, Anna, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (United States)
Knezek, Gerald
Kohda, Youji
Kohler, Thomas, Technische Universitat Dresden (TU Dresden) (Germany)
Kohnke, Lucas, The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Kohnke, Lucas, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
Kojiri, Tomoko, Nagoya University (Japan)
Kommey, Randy Emmanuel, University of South Africa (South Africa)
Konstantinidis, Angelos, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Korf-Uzan, Kimberley
Kosonen, Kari
Kostromina, Svetlana Nikolaevna
Kouchak Zadeh, Zahra, University of Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Koulikov, Mikhail, New York Law Institute (United States)
Kowalski, Stewart James
Krcmar, Helmut
Kristekova, Zuzana, Technische Universität München (Germany)
Kruchinin, Sergey, Noyabrskiy Oil and Gas Institute (branch) of TIU in Noyabrsk (Russian Federation)
Krumeich, Julian, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) (Germany)
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Laboratory for Knowledge Management & E-Learning, The University of Hong Kong